=============== Changes History =============== 2015-03-16 - Updated for docutils 0.12 and Sphinx 1.3 (tested with Python 2.7.9 and Python 3.4.3). 2013-12-17 - Make compatible with both Python 2.7.6(docutils 0.9.1) and Python 3.3.3(docutils 0.11). - More brush up documents, fix dead links etc. 2013-12-14 - Updated to meet Sphinx 1.2 and docutils 0.9.1 on Python 2.7.6. - Brush up some documents. 2011-06-28 - replaced ``bulided_sample_`` with ``sample_built/`` ;P - added ``sort_order_el.py`` and ``sort_order_ru.py`` and their examples. - moved ``sort_order_eo.py`` to ``/ext`` . 2011-06-24 - unicode_ids.py fixed to replace white spaces with hyphen-minus. - exception catching are limited only ImportError while auto importing from sort_order.py. - Build this manual with Sphinx. - Add the sample using the language Esperanto. 2011-05-25 - Add ``*.py`` to copyright notice `The Pocoo Style Guide `_ suggested. - Fix genindex.html of compound_ja sample, because the templete genindex.html, included in 1.1pre, is broken. - Make the license clearly, as 2-clause BSD, found on Pocoo. - Start recording this history. 2011-05-02 - First published on the web.